Burbank Dental Implants Blog Patient Video Testimonial – Ramsey Amin DDS

Dr. Ramsey Amin DDS patient testimonial

Michael had a bad situation with his teeth when he came to see me in Burbank.  He had broken a bridge on two weak teeth that had root canals. He was considering immediate dental implants. Part of his bridge covered all the way to the front of the mouth.  It was a cosmetic emergency because he … Read more

Burbank Expert Dentist Explains -Dental Implant Impression Molding Considerations

Dental implant impression

In order to make even one dental implant tooth or a whole mouth full of implants, an impression or “mold” must be made. Gagging is sometimes an issue for some. I have developed many techniques over the last decade to eliminate and/or greatly reduce gagging. Some techniques use a “triple impression tray,” specially timed flavoring, … Read more

The Ovate Pontic – Ramsey Amin DDS of Burbank Explains This Dental Implant Bridge Detail

Bad dental bridge

When a tooth is lost through decay, trauma, or periodontal disease, the best way to replace it today is with a dental implant. If three to four front teeth are missing, two dental implants and a bridge may be the best option for cosmetic reasons so that the teeth look real. Most conventional bridges use … Read more

Fixed Dental Implant Crown and Bridge Materials Options: An Overview By Burbank Dental Implant Expert, Ramsey Amin, DDS

This post is intended toward dental implant crown and bridge restorations that stay in the mouth and are not removable.  Denture implants called overdentures are not “fixed”, they must be removed daily. All materials have advantages and disadvantages.  The following is a summary of the materials that can be used.

Dental Implant Restorations:  Crowns and Bridges
There are basically four options that I use:

 Full Cast Gold (High Noble Metal) Made of a gold alloy, full cast gold is the longest lasting of any of the laboratory-processed materials. The alloy consists of gold, silver, palladium, and sometimes zinc, copper, and platinum. Although it is a very strong material, the yellow color makes it not as esthetically pleasing as other options.

 Full Cast Noble Metal Similar in properties and qualities to full cast gold, this material contains mostly palladium plus silver, gold, and other trace metals.  Full cast noble material is more silver in color than a full noble metal.

 PFM -Porcelain Fused to Gold (High Noble or Noble Alloy Metal) This material is very esthetic and can last 5 to 20 years. The gold substructure is covered with porcelain, which can wear opposing teeth or fracture under forceful biting or grinding. The porcelain can be applied to just the surface of the crown facing on cheek.  The result will not be as esthetic, but will last longer. A night-guard may be recommended for protection.

 All Ceramic or All Porcelain (Zirconia) This is the newest technology in laboratory-processed restorations and is considered very esthetic.  They look very real. No metal is used in the process, and therefore no metal will ever be visible. It is excellent for restoration of front and back teeth. The same cautions exist as with any porcelain or ceramic material: it can wear opposing natural enamel, and a night – guard may be recommended for protection from bruxing or grinding.  Some processes in fabrication of the all ceramic or porcelain crown are actually controlled by a computer!

All the above take at least two appointments to finish.

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Keeping a Space Between Front Teeth –Bridge vs. Dental Implants

Gap between upper center front teeth

Many patients I have met over the years in my Burbank, California office have spaces or “gaps” between their front teeth that they like and WANT to keep.  Madonna and David Letterman have a space between their front center teeth.  It is part of their character and I doubt they would want to close it … Read more

4-Tooth Bridge Failure – Dental Implant Bridge Replacement

Xray of dental implant bridge

A dental bridge is a fixed (non-removable) appliance and is an older way to replace missing teeth.  There are several types of bridges. The “traditional bridge” is the most popular type and is usually made of porcelain fused to metal.  This type of bridge consists to two crowns that go over two anchoring teeth and … Read more

Dental Implant Case Example For Back Teeth

Missing lower molars

This patient thought she could never have dental implants.  She was so fearful of the procedure. I used I.V. sedation anesthesia so she could sleep through the surgery. The x-ray shows that she is missing her lower molars on one side. She also has a cracked root canal tooth supporting bridge on the other side. Here is … Read more

Dental Implant Maintenance…OVER-DENTURE VS FIXED BRIDGE

Snap on overdentures

Fixed bridges are attached to your dental implants much like your natural teeth are connected to your bone. Because they are most similar to teeth, they do require some maintenance. Most importantly is your daily routine at home. You must brush and floss your implant fixed bridge. You will also need to have regular x-rays … Read more

Fixed Dental Implant Bridge vs. Implant Denture – What is the REAL Difference?

Fixed dental implant bridge

There is a common mistake that I hear from patients on a regular basis. Often times, I see patients for second opinions for dental implants to replace all of their teeth. They tell me they are having all their teeth removed and having a “bridge.” When I dig deeper or reference their paperwork, they are … Read more