Orthodontic Dental Implants…They Help With Braces Too!

tilted molars

Orthodontic Dental Implants??? Yes you read that right…temporary dental implants to make braces go faster and easier! They are called “Temporary Anchorage Devices” or “TADS.” They are essentially tiny screws that are placed very shallow on the outside part of the jaw in between your teeth.  Rubber bands or wires are attached to.  TADS can … Read more

Nerve-Repositioning for Lower Dental Implants

Nerve-Repositioning or “Nerve Lateralization” is reserved for the rarest of cases, but is extremely useful in the right situation. This is a procedure that I perform.

It is only done to replace the lower back teeth with a very unique situation.  You may need this procedure if the bone is not “tall” enough to have an implant.  There also needs to be a lack of space from in-between you top and bottom teeth

Lower Back teeth with implants healing:


Here is a picture of a patient with a lot of space between the bottom and top teeth:


This space can be built back with bone with some difficulty.

This is a picture of a patient that has very little space:


It is more desirable to have less space, which means you have more bone.

A CT scan is required for this procedure.  Below are some example images.

The orange line in this image is where the nerve is. You don’t want the

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Piezosurgery for Dental Implants and Bone Grafting

Panoramic xray of missing upper molars

Piezosurgery® is an exciting modality that enables me to cut bone without harming soft tissues. It is amazing. I have used it for 3 years now and it is just incredible.  It can cut bone, but it can't cut skin, gums, nerves, etc!  Unbelievable, but true. Piezosurgery utilizes high frequency ultrasonic vibrations—which allow the bone … Read more

Video – Sinus Lift Bone Graft for Dental Implants

sinus lift bone graft video

Sinus lift bone grafts are done when you need dental implants for your upper back teeth, but don't have enough bone. The procedure has been done since the mid 1970's. I was personally trained by the inventor of this procedure, Dr. Hilt Tatum This video is intended to give you some insight to why and … Read more

Digital X-rays During the Placement of Dental Implants

implant x-ray

I was at a dental meeting recently at USC Dental School with about 200 dentists that place dental implants.  The topic of x-rays during implant surgery came up…and I could not believe what I heard.

Some background information:
When placing an implant into the jawbone, it is necessary to take x-rays in between steps.  This allows me to guide the implant into an ideal location, which is extremely important.  Furthermore, taking x-rays during dental implant surgery allows me to see how deep I am.  The vital nerves, arteries, sinuses and bone depressions are at the deepest part of bone, so taking multiple x-rays adds safety and predictability to the procedure.  It does add time to the procedure, but does not increase your cost.

Here is an example of the process that I do for my patients to ensure good outcomes (follow the series of x-rays until the center implant is placed):

X51732_4             X51732_3             X51732_2   


The postion of the implant is checked and re-checked…perfect!

What I could not believe was the majority of the other dentists in attendance do not take x-rays along the way!!!!!!!!

The top two reasons were:

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How Many Dental Implants Do I Need Under My Denture?

Bar connecting 4 implants for an overdenture

In this post I am specifically talking about overdentures, not fixed implant bridges. Most commonly, a lower denture is supported with two to four implants underneath it.  The more implants you have the more stable the denture is. If I gave you a stool with two legs, could your sit on it?  Yes you could!  … Read more

How to Choose an Implant Dentist

ABOI award by Burbank Dental Implants: Ramsey Amin DDS

You may have noticed that there are many dentists who claim to be “experts” in dental implants.  Even if they do not claim to be “experts,” many dentists still say they “do implants.”  The average dentist may be involved in 1-10 implants per year.  I typically see 4-5 cases per day.   Most dentists receive very … Read more

How Long Have Dental Implants Been Around?

Believe it or not, the history of dental implants begins more than 1300 years ago with the ancient Mayans. Back in 600 AD, a young woman was missing some of her lower teeth. The same as any modern woman, she wanted her smile beautified.

She received what is perhaps one of the world’s first dental implants. It was made from pieces of shell shaped to resemble teeth.

Similar discoveries were made when excavating ancient Egyptian artifacts. The Egyptian implants were made from shells and ivory.

It was decades after these archaeological discoveries before the modern world caught up with the Mayans’ dental technology.

Dental implants, as we know them today have been around since 1965!  They were invented by a Swedish scientist named PI Branemark somewhat by accident. 

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What is a “Block Bone Graft” Associated with Dental Implants? — Video

block bone graft video

UPDATE TO THIS POST —-CLICK HERE Many patients have come to me for second opinions about bone grafts. Specifically, they were told they need a "block graft" or "onlay graft." Although this procedure is popular and works well, there is not a lot of patient information available about it. This video should give you a … Read more

What Is The Best Dental Implant?

dental implants Burbank CA

There are approximately 150 different dental implant manufacturers. Luckily, most dental implants are well made. The best dental implants are manufactured to very strict tolerances such as airplane engines would be made. All root form dental implants are made of titanium. Some implants differ in the type of titanium alloy used. Some dental implants are … Read more